Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Minor Disappointments

Well, I called back this morning and talked to the news director again. He seems like a nice guy. He tried to warn me a little about the shock he was about to deliver, but it was still a little hard to take.


Yes, that's what they're paying. For a college graduate. With a bachelor's degree. From an actual university. "I fight to at least keep it above minimum wage," he said. I guess his hands are tied by "corporate."

I had also read on industry message boards about getting moving expenses paid to help cover this 800 mile move I'm about to make. No such luck. I'm going to have to cough that up myself. Luckily everything I own now will fit in my truck and a U-Haul trailer.

I think it's going to be a little rough. I'm good with budgets, so I sat down and figured one out based on some online rents I found in the area. As long as I can find roommates, I'll be able to live on that. I think. If not, I'll have to get a second job. I'm lucky that my old truck is paid for, and that between my parents paying my tuition and my own jobs while in school I have no student loans. On the other hand, the parents have made it clear I can't fall back on them from here on out, so I'm on my own.

Minor disappointments, but I accepted the job anyway. I have to start somewhere, right?

They're giving me three weeks to get there and get settled. The news director wanted me there next week, but there's no possible way. I still have to give my notice at my bookstore job and find a place to live.

* * *

In other news, The Mighty Dyckerson has graciously accepted my plea for a link to my blog from his web page. If I did the link right, you should also see a link to his page on the right. From what I can tell from his posts on Medialine, this guy is nuts, and just associating myself with him in this limited way should put me in the wrong crowd. I'll put some more links there in the coming days.


At 8:22 PM, October 11, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

WTF??!! You're MOVING for this??!!

I may be a little out of touch, but $13K seems extremely low, even for a newbie in market 200+. The fucking JANITOR will be laughing at you!!

I guess you gotta do what you gotta do... but DAMN!!!

At 9:38 PM, October 11, 2005, Blogger RevRee said...

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At 9:39 PM, October 11, 2005, Blogger RevRee said...

Hey Iron, I'm one of Mighty Dyckerson's many wives. I'll post your link on my blog if you wanna do that same? If not that's cool!

At 2:32 AM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Max said...

Thanks Revree, I would appreciate that. I'll do the same for your blog.

Dyckerson, $13K IS very little money. I make more than that at the bookstore right now. But I have been trying to get a job as a photog for months now with no results. Like I wrote in my blog, I have to start somewhere.

$13K is better than not having a television job, since I don't want to work at Borders forever. The smarter-than-you literature majors annoy me.

At 12:20 PM, October 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just bite the bullet. You are right, you have to start somewhere. I can't believe that's all they're giving you. But you'll remember that when you're one of the best darned photogs ever, and they watch you walk out the door for more $$$. It's better to get it over with in my humble opinion, than to wait it out for just a few bucks. Best of luck!!

At 2:48 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Iron, I think the key is to learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can... and GET THE HELL OUT!!!

At 5:09 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Mike said...

Yikes. The ND at my first job offered me $14,000... that was for a weekend anchor job. We negotiated up to $15,500. The good thing is you won't be on contract. Learn, make a tape, and leave.

My Dad never stopped me from taking the job... but then again, that's because he was in the news business.

Congrats, and good luck.

At 10:35 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger ewink said...

I am sure that if the other photogs there are making 6.25$ an hour with you someone will be more than happy to have a roommate.

I had the good fortune that my first photog job was in my hometown so I could freeload off my parents.

Good luck and enjoy the ride. Life's what you make of it. Spam, boil in the bag rice, and ramen noodles can be a great way to feed yourself! :)

At 12:32 AM, October 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, congrats on the new gig. I still remember when i got my first job almost a year ago. Just incase you are not aware but if you move over 500 miles it can be tax write off. You might want to check into that. Good Luck.

At 7:02 PM, November 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit! 13k?
At least you live somewhere where (you think) you can lve on that...


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