Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Father's Love

Holy crap, is my dad pissed!

"I didn't pay for four years of college for you to take some minimum wage job!"

He told me to call them back and tell them I can't take it.

"You'd be better off working at god-damned McDonalds!"

I told him I would actually make more at McDonalds as a manager trainee with a college degree. He didn't appreciate that.

"I'm serious," he said. "You call them back and turn it down."

"I've already told them I'm coming. You want me to move back into the house instead?"

"You owe me something, son," he said. I can always tell he's really pissed when he calls me "son." "You owe me your best effort after all that tuition. This can't possibly be your best. Or did I just waste $100,000 on you?"

I haven't tallied it up, but it wasn't $100K, especially considering the first two years were community college. Still, he has a point. I do owe it to him to make something out of this mass comm degree with a minor in journalism. Where we really differ in opinion is that I believe I'm taking my first step toward that goal, while he can't see it as a good positioning move and thinks I ought to be able to wave my degree in a news director's face and get $30K like a business major.

He'll come around. I hope.


At 2:54 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

I don't blame your dad one bit. I wish mine had held a gun to my head and said "Dyckerson, you're going to Pharmacy school! Now take out the trash and clean your fucking room!"

Education is supposed to be an investment. When RevRee and I have our kids, they won't go to college on my dime unless it's for a REAL degree.

Having said that, just lie to your dad and tell him you misunderstood the guy. You thought he said "thirteen" but he actually said "thirty"...

At 7:48 PM, October 12, 2005, Blogger RevRee said...

Dyck is right, little Dyck Jr. is going to be a Dr.

At 6:27 AM, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to know a job is to start small , learn everything and move up when ready. Too many bosses these days don't know how and couldn't do the jobs they are bosses of. That's a bad way to manage. Soak everything up. Hopefully there will be someone there to help you along the right way. If not there is always B-roll.

At 12:40 PM, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a second... did your dad think that you were going to land an 80k a year job right out of college?

Sure you owe him something. A 'thank you' and the assurance that you'll live your life they way he raised you.

But jeez... no one just starts out on top.

After 2 years in that market, you jump to market 70-100 making 20k...

And then 2-3 years after that you could go work in NYC or wherever.

Tell dad to chill. Everything will be O.K.


At 7:05 PM, November 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He does need to understand there can be a future.

But still I kind fo think you're lucky...that you think you can live off of first job paid 35k and that was hard...and I do not come from money.

Wish my parents had motivated me a little mroe to go into business, medicine or law.


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