Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I recently related an event that happened last Thursday in which I was called out on my day off to shoot a "Pedex," what our station calls a pedestrian accident. You may recall that our on-call system has all the photographers on-call all the time, except on our off days. When we're off, they're supposed to leave us alone. Since I was off Thursday, I theoretically shouldn't have been called, so I reminded the producer of that policy. She told me she needed me to shoot it anyway, and I did.

This morning I was back on dayside again for live truck training. Again it didn't happen, because the van is still in the shop. After the morning meeting, my news director called me into his office.

"I'm a little concerned about what I'm being told about you shooting spot news," he said.

"What's the problem?"

"Wendy said you refused to shoot the Pedex Thursday night."

"Uh, no," I said. "I did shoot it."

"But she said you gave her attitude about coming in," he said.

"No, I didn't give her any attitude, I--"

"Did you tell her you didn't have to shoot it because it was your off day?" he interrupted.

"No, I didn't put it like that. I just reminded her it was my off day. I didn't refuse to shoot anything. I didn't say I didn't have to--"

"Look," he said. "If we call you out to shoot something, we expect you to shoot it."

"I DID shoot it," I said.

"What I mean is that we expect you to shoot it without giving us any attitude about it. I don't care if it turns out to be nothing, you go when you're called."

"I didn't give her any--"

"I don't think you're listening to me," he said. So I was quiet. He continued, slowly and deliberately, as if talking to a child or an idiot: "You're new here. It might take some time for you to get used to the way we do things. I expect that. I just want to make sure you're not getting off on the wrong foot. This is a 24 hour business. Sometimes we're going to ask you to make sacrifices. We won't ask that often; but when we call you out, we expect you to jump, even if it's your day off. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but the way Rick explained things to me was that the station didn't call people out on their days off," I said, making an effort to stay calm. "I figured Wendy forgot it was my day off, so all I did was remind her."

"It's not your place to tell her who to call," he said. "That's my job. If Wendy calls you out, you go. If you have a problem with being called out, you tell me, and I'll deal with Wendy. But I'm telling you right now that sometimes we're going to need you to go above and beyond. If you have a problem with that, we need to get it out in the open right now so this doesn't become an issue later on."

"No," I said. "There's no problem."

"Okay. Just so we're clear. I expect good things from you, and I just didn't want you to get a bad reputation around here this early in the game."

A bad reputation? Refusing to go on a call? Giving attitude? What the hell?

I have to say that I was REALLY pissed off. But what am I going to do? I have no power in this situation, so I just have to bend over and take it.

I am, however, glad to have learned what an evil skank fuckwhore piece-of-shit bitch this Wendy is before she had a chance to REALLY fuck me over. Why the hell would she run off and tattle on me for something like that? What did I do to her to deserve this?

I try not to hold grudges, but I don't always succeed. I know now to be careful. I wonder if she does.


At 5:07 PM, December 06, 2005, Blogger losita said...

Wow. What a nice lady. At least your news director wasn't too horrible about it.

At 6:13 PM, December 06, 2005, Blogger John said...

Don't take it too hard. The ND wanted to put the fear of God into you and it sounds like he did.

Yes, that Wendy person sounds like a worthless scumbag but it's good you learn to deal with her now because you'll meet plenty more like her if you keep doing this.

Also, you have to go shoot when they call you out only if they actually get you on the phone.

At 11:52 PM, December 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a horrible station. I agree with the last comment, don't answer the phone on your day's off from now on. Sheesh.

At 1:06 PM, December 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that we're only hearing Max's side of this. Obviously, he's going to see himself as the righteous victim and the people on the other side as evil.

Max, maybe you were short with her on the phone. You've already griped about the black friday story that you didn't want to do, then you griped when you were called out. Should you have been called out? Probably not, but remember that these other people are just trying to do their jobs and they have to count on you to do yours. Maybe you should try being the big man and go apologize to Wendy (even if you don't think you should have to), just to make for a better working environment. Then keep your future outbursts to yourself.

At 1:13 PM, December 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Producers are bitches huh?
BTW do you shoot in Texas?

email me at slingshot52@gmail.com
I had a experience with a producer and she used to send "memos."

She used to take the freaing time to write a page bitching about me.
Then the ND would of course come to me.

I wanted to wring her neck.

Sorry buddy.
You're a very good writer. Keep all of these experiences and write them into a book or movie. Make money off these jerks.

Take care.

At 8:15 PM, December 07, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Shoulder boy, you need an attitude adjustment. If you were working for Dyckerson OmniMedia, I'd have fired you on day 1 when you showed up in that shit stained shirt.

Straighten up and fly right!

At 2:43 PM, December 08, 2005, Blogger RevRee said...

Cake is right, they can't make you work on your days off and Don't answer calls from work on your days off. It's your right to have them. Don't let them guilt you into being their whipping boy.

At 2:07 AM, December 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much did you say you made? Was it something like $6.25/hr? That's fucking poverty, my friend. You should not be taking any kind of shit from people who pay you less than you'd be getting if you were working in a sewage treatment plant.

Make a tape and get the hell out of whatever podunk town you've found yourself in.

Life is too short to get shit on by people like that.

At 6:25 AM, December 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, stop calling people you work with by their given names. Also, quit calling them fuckwhore.... you are gonna get fired and will never wok in this biz again.
It is so small and interwoven that your name will be blacklisted everywhere.
I write this cause I really love reading your stuff.
It takes me back 15 years, working overnight, part time at $7.25 an hour in the 8th largest city in this country.
BTW, that behavior fits every producer ever.
They all run and tell.
Learn your craft, keep writing, be smart.
From the sound of this news director, your gone as soon as she reads this and I wouldn't blame her.

At 11:35 AM, December 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the other comments are right. Don't answer your phone on your days off. If you do, then you have to go where ever they want you to...Maybe get your own line in your room so your roomates don't answer the phone. You do make overtime right? Then you can fix your truck with the overtime money. Your not married, you don't have kids. I've learned that if you bail them out sometimes then when you need help they will help you out. My first job was 12,000 a year. I made 18,500 at the end of the year. Producers will tell on you all the time because they are looking for the E.P. job and kiss ND ass all the time. Watch who stabs you in the back and keep your distance. Your blog is getting to big....watch what you say. You could loose your job. They will look for other things to get rid of you. Not just what you say on your blog. You're a great writer stay employed we love reading what you say. You need to get with your roomate Suzanne. She sounds fun.

At 10:36 AM, December 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts? Say what you want to in here. F--k 'em. The place is a joke anyway and I think you're starting to realize that.

As for "Wendy" the solution is easy. But it will require some careful time and planning. I know a guy that did this and it worked like a charm. JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT, AND DON'T BRAG ABOUT IT!

First, for about a week, find her lunch and remove an item from it. Can be anything, a yogurt, an apple whatever. Grab one thing from it and throw it away. Do this for a week.

Then, at the end of the week, put some exlax in her coffee and while she's in the bathroom shitting a river, send an email from her PC to all users that says "I have had it with you a-holes stealing stuff out of my lunch. This has happened every day for a week. If I ever find out who is taking items out of my lunch I'm going to find you and shove so much f--king lunch down your f--king throat that you f--king choke to death on it. Have a nice f--king day and enjoy my food you f--king thieving shithead!"

She'll be shitcanned immediately. The target of this prank didn't even have a chance to get back to his desk before security found him in the bathroom and informed him he no longer had a job.

Just delete this comment before you do it so there's no way she could trace it back to you.

You're welcome.

At 7:47 PM, January 14, 2006, Blogger Invervegas said...

Whoa dude... I agree with many of the comments here. I especially agree with Mighty... You DO have a bad attitude problem, and the day you realise this is the day you'll become a proper photog. Because all of us, when we're young, keen and new, get wrapped up in the glamour aspect of the job, and forget that it's actually f**&ing hard work. Not just sometimes, but ALL of the time. The only way you'll ever become an ace photog is if you are prepared to give it 150%, ALL OF THE TIME.
This means that if you get called up on your day off, be thankful that you got called and not some other joe cameraman. Because there is a loooooonnnnnngggggg line of people who would kill to be where you are. Don't forget that.
Secondly... Yea it's true, although you have an interesting blog, it's also liable to get you fired eventually. I would stray away from writing conversations word-for-word, and using people's names. It's just not safe.
And as for all the people here who feel this guy is being taken advantage of... What news station did you guys grow up in? Have you never seen the underpaid, keen, inexperienced photog grow up to be the senior cameraman? None of us are indespensible, and shooters only get good at what they do by fully committing themselves to the job, 24/7.

At 8:23 AM, January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your shop is in bad bad need of unionization.

Look into it. Then the little pissing matches and calls on your day off go away.


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