Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Very Long Week

I don't know if anyone's checking the site now, but if I do still have some readers I have to apologize for not keeping up with updates. You see, I'm in the middle of a seventeen day week.

That's right. I'm working seventeen days straight. Why? Bear with me, and I'll explain:

When I first started, I was on a Monday through Friday schedule dayside, but my ultimate schedule is supposed to be nights and weekends with Thursday and Friday off. I went to nightside this past week; but when I looked at the schedule on Monday, I was scheduled to work every day this week.

The news director explained that this was a "transition" week, and that they had still planned to have me working Thursday and Friday, but they had also already promised the guy who has been filling in on weekends that he would have Saturday and Sunday off. So that gave me seven days right there.

Then I got a look at the schedule for this coming week and realized I'm also working Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. The ND explained that everyone else already had their vacation request in for Friday, and since I'm the new guy, I have to work the holiday AND the day after AND my weekend shifts. That makes fourteen days. And that rolls right into the next week, giving me seventeen straight days before my next day off, the first of December!

The up side is that I can use the overtime. My paycheck is already small, but it was a shock to get that first check and get hit immediately with my $87 contribution to the health plan. I'm almost tempted to drop it, but I'm afraid I'll get hit by a truck and not only have to pay my own medical bills, but also cover the accident myself for the station.

On a more positive note, I have an interesting story to tell about Suzanne, one of my housemates. When I was first considering living here, I didn't know how the privacy issues would work out, having never lived with girls. I really didn't need to worry. Suzanne is not modest at all. She has no qualms about walking around the house in panties and a t-shirt, and she doesn't always bother to close her door when she changes clothes. Emily, our other roommate, isn't quite as carefree; but she doesn't seem to embarrass easily either.

You might think this would be sexy, but these girls aren't the most hygenic people on the planet. It isn't that they don't bathe. It's just that they let the house get nasty. I spent a lot of time cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom when I first got here, and I'm the only one who washes the dishes. They also leave their clothes laying around. Having to clean up after a couple of girls who won't do it for themselves is more of a turnoff than Suzanne's pink panties might overcome.

Suzanne works at the station, up in the studio, during the newscasts. Between the early and late shows she doesn't have a lot to do, so she often goes home for dinner. It's practical because we're only a few miles from the station. I thought that was a good idea, so when possible I have been dropping by the house in the evenings to make a sandwich.

Thursday when I dropped by, Suzanne's car was out front. I heard a great commotion as soon as I opened the front door. Her bedroom door was open, and when I passed it to get to my own room I got a really good look at her bent over the edge of her bed with her panties around one ankle while another guy from the studio named Brian pounded her from behind. They were completely oblivious to my presence. They were so far into their own world that I probably could have pulled up a chair and watched the show without their ever noticing me. Even with her face buried into a pillow, she's really quite vocal.

I had difficulty concentrating on making my sandwich. I had even more difficulty concentrating on editing when I got back to the station.

I really need to find a girlfriend.


At 12:18 AM, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um.. I am one for free speech and all, and I know you changed the names. But this might be going a tad bit too far. heh. but it is your discression.

At 9:31 AM, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:56 AM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Fuck discretion. Get yourself a webcam, put it in her bedroom, and post a link...NOW!!!

At 7:28 PM, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you went home for a sandwich? It was there alright and you missed it. It wasn't in the kitchen, it was in the bedroom.

Think next time.

At 11:30 PM, November 22, 2005, Blogger ewink said...


I pay $12 and that covers EVERYTHING!

Between that and the 17 days and the way you're treated I have never seen ANYONE so screwed before in my life!

At 9:40 PM, November 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez... i'm not going to complain anymore about the $30-something that my station takes back for insurance.

Did "Suzanne" ever realize that you saw her escapade?

At 5:46 PM, December 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit, I pay 30 every other week here in NYC. You are gttin screwed.
And speakin of gettin screwed ask Suzie what her day rate is and if she feels like a trip to the big apple.


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