Monday, May 22, 2006

Blog Abandoned?

Many people have noticed and commented on the fact that I haven't been writing lately. There have been a combination of factors at play. For one thing, not a whole lot has been going on. Sarah has backed off somewhat, but she still has a tendency toward bitchiness. The live truck now has a transmission leak that hits the exhaust pipe and causes it to smoke. Wendy is still... Wendy. There just haven't been many major developments or stories to tell.

So I've been spending my time reading science fiction novels. I discovered the wonderful creative work of Dan Simmons and read the entire Hyperion series (which in part inspired the previous "Fiction Bastards" post). Then I moved to Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Next I think I'll start on some of Phillip Dick's work, since the Scanner Darkly movie is coming out soon. As I've mentioned before, I get most of my reading done for free at Borders, simply sitting in the cafe and reading their books, then reshelving them and hoping that nobody buys the last copy before I come back the next day for another few chapters.

It's a simple existence. I awaken. I read. I go to work. I sleep.

I was trying to fit blogging into that routine as well, but I have been somewhat puzzled by the responses to my writing. First and foremost, I appreciate the advice and encouragement I have received. But for the past couple of months an ugliness has been building that has finally overshadowed the positive feedback and taken away any pleasure I have received from writing.

Some people continue to criticize me for airing my station's dirty laundry. I've had some accuse me of hating women. I've been called a loser for continuing to work here. I've even had people accuse me of making the whole thing up. That last one I understand the least; if people hate me because they think I'm some kind of liar, why do they continue to read it, then send me hateful emails? What does that accomplish?

People have asked me, so I'll answer. Is everything here accurate? Not entirely. I have changed certain details to protect my identity and the identities of my colleagues. Why would I do such a thing? I think it's a perfectly reasonable attempt to protect my privacy, but perhaps I should let this email from one of my readers speak for itself:

Dear 'Max,'

I know that's not your real name. It doesn't matter, because you will be found out soon enough.

You have no business airing your station's dirty laundry. You have no business working in this business. I'm sure you think it's funny. Well now the joke is on you. I figured out where you work. I know who 'Sarah' is. It won't be hard for your nd to figure out who Wendy is. They won't appreciate hearing what you wrote about them.

I figured you would like to know that I just emailed your nd with a link to your blog. Here's what I said.

'Dear [name omitted],

I thought you might like to know that a photog you recently hired is airing your station's dirty laundry on the internet. He has a blog he has used to smear you personally as well as your reporters and producers. He is behaving unprofessionaly and doesn't deserve to represent your institution.

His blog is I think you may find it interesting reading.


A Concerned Citizen'

So how do you like that, 'Max'? Better start making tapes, because your days there are numbered.

Whoa. Someone actually went to the trouble of emailing a news director to get a blogger in trouble. However, it wasn't MY news director he emailed, and I never heard anything more about it. He got the wrong station. Somewhere some ND probably ended up reading my blog and trying to figure out how any of it applied to his station. Hell, maybe he's now one of my loyal readers.

So how much of this is real? Most of it is. Yes, the casket story really happened. Yes, the sheriff really ran into me. Yes, there really was a kid who brought guns to school. The parts that aren't 100% accurate are simply shaded to conceal my identity. I wouldn't try to pass any of this off as newspaper articles, but "Sarah" and "Wendy" are real people. As are "Jake" and "Al." As am I.

I've been asked why people can't find these stories by searching the Internet. Maybe their search skills suck. I do know our website sucks, simply because it's run by one guy who is also our entire "creative services department" and is usually busy making commercials for local mattress dealers. I doubt it has been updated in months. It actually still has a reporter listed on it that no longer works here.

Our local newsrag didn't even cover some of this stuff. Still, I did find some of this material in my own search attempt on Yahoo. If other people can't find it, it's either because I've ommitted or shaded certain details that would help them zero in on it, or maybe they're just too stupid to do a thorough search.

I tried to put a stop to the bullshit by turning on comment moderation here on the blog. Assholes still continued to send me comments. Then they started emailing me. When I ignored them, they posted whiny messages on message boards trying to discredit me. When I refused to respond, they accused me of "running away."

Yet, how the hell can I respond? The only way I can "prove" this is real is to reveal my identity. Great solution. Then the asshole who wrote the message quoted above WILL know who my ND is and will get me fired. It's a catch 22.

This is the only response I intend to make on this issue. If you don't like my blog, don't read it. Go read a book, or watch American Idol, or do whatever the hell it is you people do. I really don't care. I don't make any money off this. I only do it for writing practice and for my own pleasure. Take away the pleasure, and there's no reason to continue.


At 3:43 PM, May 22, 2006, Blogger newshutr said...

It's interesting reading. Of course you have to protect your identity and the identities of people you work with. Blogging is about reality. We as news videographers deal with reality.

I enjoy reading your blog for one. Why? I don't know? Because it's interesting and maybe I like to live vicariously through the lives of others....

Maybe not. But, "Max", you do what makes you happy. F**k em if they can't take a joke...Joke them if the can't take a F**k.

Keep going. Don't let the assh*les get you down.

At 5:19 PM, May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see your back on and I'm glad you said fuck it to all those who don't believe you. To the one reader who thought he was going to bust you. All I can say is get a life loser. If you don't like Max blog don't read it. I'm sure your one of those whinney loser guys from who complains all the time.

Keep up the good work Max and I look forward to reading your future blogs.

At 6:38 PM, May 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't sweat the little people, Max. I enjoy reading your stuff, so keep it up.

At 1:15 AM, May 23, 2006, Blogger Brian said...

Hang tough, man. Do what you want, when YOU want to do it.

I dig reading your blog. Am I disappointed when there isn't an update? Sure. But I just move on to ewink's blog.

Let me reiterate for the other posters here....f**k 'em if they don't like you or your blog. Do what pleases you.

Hang tough.

At 9:17 AM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry people are ruining your fun. I enjoy reading your blog and don't mind if there is no update every day. I hope you keep up the writing for your own good. I don't understand why others have gotten their panties in a bunch over your blog.
And to "anonymous": not everyone on is a whinney(sic) loser guy.

At 9:52 AM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has way too much time on there hands. Doing a search to figure out who you are then emailing (who they thought was) your boss. Wow, soon you will be doing a story on that guy. "550 pound man with 300 cats outs Max" Keep writing and dont take no s$@t!!!

At 9:54 AM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're a funny, articulate guy.
If you write for your pleasure then I read your blog for my pleasure.

Enough said.

I would like to see the look of the ND's face looking at your blog trying to put 2 and 2 together.


At 5:59 PM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Max,

I am glad you have posted again, and hope that you continue to post when things are interesting again. I have rarely posted comments here, mostly because I haven't had much to contribute. I think many people who enjoy reading your blog don't post comments, and many of those that do post are negative. Don't be discouraged by the negative posts--every blog gets them. Even though they negative posts may seem to be in the majority, this porbably doesn't reflect your readers.

Thanks for keeping the blog!

--Anonymous Coward.

At 7:21 PM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back Max!

It is too bad idiots with too much time on their hands can bring you down.

Hopefully you can continue at whatever pace or terms you would like. It is fun for old timers to read perspectives that mirror our thoughts and feelings when we were fresh in the biz.

Write on....

At 7:32 PM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm as surprised as you are at the negative feedback. Please ignore those assholes Max! You are a fantastic writer and I enjoy the blog. Out of curiousity I tried to find you and I think I did, but I would NEVER tell anyone let alone e-mail someone at the station, what a douchebag that guy must be. Finish the story when you get a chance!!! AoN

At 9:50 PM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear! Keep them comming and let the flack and chaff be burned away. Why some people insist on being the downer of every party still eludes me.

At 8:55 AM, May 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you only publish positive feedback? It is like reading an old Soviet Union newspaper.

At 10:21 AM, May 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your stories ring true. I don't care about names and small details. I don't read your blog for the news of your small town. I read because your stories are honest, and remind me of my early days in this business.

TV news photographers have the greatest jobs in the world. My first few years in the business were the most exciting time of my life. After many, many years in tv, it's nice to be reminded of those early days.

I read your blog becuse it recharges my batteries. It reminds me why I have such a passion for this job.

Enjoy the rollercoaster, it's the best ride in the world. And thank your for the insperation.

At 12:49 PM, May 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, a lot of us support you. Keep up the great work. I check to see if you've written... now, once a week. I used to check a lot more often.

At 8:31 PM, May 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back, Max. I've been wondering how you've been doing.

And I would love to see a continuation of your story.

By the way - is there a library near you? It would protect you from the problem of someone buying the last book!

Keep at it.

At 8:12 AM, May 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put Max! Blog on bro, blog on!

At 8:22 AM, May 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Max!

Glad to see that you are back on here. That guys who tried to snitch on you sounds an awful lot like MCO Mike aka, Micheal Crook.

Forget him and keep on going man, we love reading your stuff...

Take care man!
The Fedora

At 10:09 PM, July 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, I have been reading your blog since the very first day, and I love it! I'm new to this business, too, which is interesting as a girl photog... maybe I have it a little easier.

I've never commented, but I wanted to several times! Like when you said in college you never liked ordering food, because you didn't like to use the phone : ) Me neither, you'd love it now--they have, and you just go online and punch in the order you want! No phone calls ever : )

Anyways, that's not really important and doesn't quite help now... But I just wanted to say, because you've been gone so long and there might be a chance you don't write again, that I've loved hearing about your experiance. Lucky for me, I love my boss and the people in my market are really nice, even to a girl right out of college : )

I hope you find a station that you love, too, good luck!

At 10:35 AM, July 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Max should take the question mark off the end of the last entry title...

At 7:52 PM, October 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come back, dammit! We need you!

At 10:26 PM, December 12, 2006, Blogger SoMissTV said...

What a waste of perfectly good writing talent...


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