Sunday, March 12, 2006

Kat's Arrival

It's an unbelievably slow Sunday. We actually have no story at all to turn today. There's nothing going on, and Wendy actually shot down the only story idea that Lizzie had. We were out "patrolling" earlier, hoping to stumble on something. Now we've just given up and are sitting here in the station, listening to the sporadic scanner traffic and waiting for something to happen.

That means I have a few minutes to update my blog.

As I've mentioned in previous entries, my friend Kat is still in college. Her spring break is this week, so she decided to use it to come visit me in my new town. I tried to tell her there's nothing much to do or see here, but she wanted to come see me anyway.

Kat and I have always just been friends. We've never dated. We've dated each others' friends, and we ran in the same circles all through school. We've talked about the fact that we find each other attractive, and she even kissed me once, right before I left to move here. There's just never been enough spark between us to get a fire going.

Still, I can't say I haven't been a little excited and apprehensive about her visit. We never really resolved that thing with the kiss, and now she's willing to drive ten hours to stay in my house for a week. My thoughts in recent weeks have been with Lynn and the electricity I feel when I'm around her. But so far that hasn't really gone anywhere. The last few days have been a whirlwind of thoughts of what might be, or what could be, or what should be.

What if Kat wants to pick up where we left off and see where things might go? What if she doesn't? What if there really is some possibility with Lynn? How will she feel about another woman staying at my house? Having Kat around really puts off any chance with Lynn for another week.

Many of those questions were settled late last night when Kat arrived. When I opened the door, she threw herself on me and gave me one of the greatest full body hugs of all time. She smelled great, despite having been in a car all day. But standing behind her on the porch, holding the luggage, was Joe.

Joe, Kat's boyfriend.

Joe and Kat have apparently been dating ever since I left. I knew they were dating back then, but she hasn't mentioned him in our emails or phone conversations in some time. For some reason I didn't even realize they were still together, or perhaps I never really thought they were together seriously enough that it counted.

And she never mentioned that he was coming with her.

I was all prepared to give Kat my bed and sleep on the couch, but Joe declined.

"We brought a big double sleeping bag," he said. "The living room floor is fine with us."

As I said, Kat and I are just friends, and I really had no expectations of anything happening between us while she's here. So why did it irritate me so much last night to know Joe was sleeping with her two rooms over?


At 11:12 AM, March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa. She brought her boyfriend with her, and you had no idea he was coming? That is just...incredibly rude. I am really not liking Kat too much right now. Even if there was NO spark, even if she was your SISTER, bringing along a guest without asking if it is okay with the host is just...well, Emily Post would like to have a word with her.

At least you know now that there's no reason between you and Kat to keep you from nailing Lynn.

And Kat, if you read this, shame on you, bitch.

At 2:36 PM, March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude this is soo made up. It was believable at first, but it's easily identifiable as fiction now for the past few weeks.

At 5:22 PM, March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two girls screwing over a guy. Hell, I find that to be VERY believable. Let me put it easy as possible, Lynn has a boyfriend, Kat has a boyfriend, find a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend.

At 5:45 PM, March 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or get them drunk and alone and pretend they don't have boyfriends


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