Friday, March 10, 2006


A while back I told you all that Kat, my friend from college, is coming to visit during her Spring Break. That's next week. She's still coming, so I expect to see her late Saturday night.

Since the girls I share the house with are slobs, I spent most of yesterday cleaning. Some of the dishes that were piled in the sink have been there at least a couple of months. I found the handle of a wooden spoon down in the bottom. Just the handle. The rest of it was gone, apparently eaten away while it sat in that biochemical waste. After sticking my hands in that mess, I wonder if I need a tetanus shot.

How can girls be so filthy? And the guys they date apparently don't care at all.

Speaking of that, I walked in on Suzanne giving some guy a blowjob in the living room. I don't think he works at the station. I don't know where she found him. This time at least they jumped up off the couch, ran to her room and shut the door. Actually, she ran, but he only kind of shuffled, because he was covering his crotch with one of our throw pillows in one hand and trying to pull his trousers up with the other. Both continued to laugh hysterically for a few minutes, until the laughing gave way to Suzanne's characteristic moans and yelps.

I hope she'll cool it a bit while Kat's here. I mean, Kat's not exactly a virgin herself, but who wants to have the peace disturbed by some nympho's head being pounded against the next wall?


At 8:51 AM, March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw sanitizing the pillow... just burn it!


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