Monday, February 13, 2006

The Day After

Here's a quick update on Sunday before I start work for the day.

After Saturday night, I was quite eager to hear what Lizzie had to say about that little exchange with Lynn. They're pretty good friends and talk a lot outside work. Lizzie is also something of a busy body, so I figured she would have a comment.

Strangely, she didn't mention it for the first part of the day. I thought it was a little weird. But finally, while we were on our way out for our live shot for the early show, she brought it up.

"You seemed to have fun last night," she said.

"Yeah, it was nice," I said. I immediately got a mental picture of Lynn's smirking sideways glance.

"What did you think of Lynn?" she asked.

"She's cool," I said. I wanted to say, "She's freakin' hot," but I figured it would be better to play it cool.

"You know she has a boyfriend," she said.

That didn't exactly make me happy.

"No, I didn't know that," I said.

"Yep," she said. "They've been going out for a couple of years now."

Ah crap.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, trying unsuccessfully to sound nonchalant about it.

"Yeah," she said.

"So... I guess they're pretty serious."

"It seems that way," she said.

Dammit. I found myself lost in thought. At that moment I wanted to ask all sorts of questions. Is she happy? Does he treat her well? Does he cheat on her? Does she cheat on him? Is she with him because she really likes him, or just out of convenience? Are they--

"She said you remind her of him," Lizzie said, interrupting my thoughts.

Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? Really, how am I supposed to react to that? If I remind her of how he used to be, before their relationship went sour (as I'm hoping it has) then that would be good. But if they're doing fine, and I remind her of him, what's the good in that?

"Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?" I asked.

"I dunno," she said. "I think she likes you, if that's what you mean."

And that's where we left it, since we were then arriving at the live shot location and both had work to do.

Let's take a moment to sum up my love life. I work mostly with women, many of whom are really hot but are completely disinterested in dating a poor news photographer when they can land a lawyer or mayor's aide or redneck firefighter. In the past eight months (including the time since I last had a steady girlfriend) I have kissed one woman, a long time friend who is now dating one of our mutual friends from college but who wants to come visit me during Spring Break; and I have had a flirtatious encounter with a smirking redhead with whom I refused to dance and who is involved in a long term relationship. The closest thing to sex I've had is hearing my roommate Suzanne through the wall our rooms share, and it looks like that's the best I'll do for a while.

And people are saying my blog is fake because I'm getting too much attention from women?


At 1:10 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great story again.
it sucks living in a small town with seemingly nothing going for you but you know when you move to the next market these will be the best years of your life.

someway or another.

it is important to out work the other people at the station because the next market is full of over achievers. i mean, that is how they got where they are. they did it by working hard.

keep a tough chin and don't be such a cody banks with the women.

f+w b

At 11:44 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See how things go with the long-term friend! Friends turn into the best girlfriends.


At 5:14 PM, February 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, if a woman asks you to dance with her...DANCE WITH HER!!

I don't think this blog is fake, but I am starting to think that you're just clueless when it comes to women. You tell these stories of women basically throwing themselves at you, and all you can manage is an "Aww, shucks" and a silly grin, or so it would seem.

I realize that you're probably a "nice" guy, but the reality of small market TV is that EVERYONE is doing everyone else. That's just how it goes.

Do yourself a favor. The next time a woman throws herself at you...CATCH HER!

And keep up with the writing. We'd all like to see more updates. :)

At 10:44 AM, February 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another week, no updates...

At 4:41 PM, February 19, 2006, Blogger Max said...

Dude, I really appreciate that you enjoy my writing, but my whole life doesn't just revolve around this blog. I do have a job that takes up 45 to 55 hours of my week. I also have other writing projects that require my attention. One of those might actually make me some money someday, while this one most certainly won't.

Also, I don't have something to update every single day. The most excitement from this past week was that I was constipated for part of it. Did you really want to know about that? Shall I tell you how it felt, or by what manner I relieved my intestinal stress?

The blog is gonna come in fits and starts. Sorry, that's the nature of life.


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