Saturday, February 11, 2006


With the changes in reporter schedules around here, Lizzie has been permanently assigned to work with me on weekends. She's not very happy about that, especially since the new girl, Sarah, is working Monday through Friday. Apparently the ND didn't even bother to make any excuses, instead just telling her it was up to him to decide where to put people in the schedule.

Today was the first Saturday since she found out, so she wasn't in a great mood. We get along well, however, so she didn't take it out on me. She was just extra cynical today. Our truck talk on the way to our stories included her characterization of the ND as a "lecherous bozo," a diatribe on the idiocy of Wendy and a lament on the generally disappointing state of the news business. After work she wanted to go drinking with a friend, one of the newscast directors, and she invited me along.

The director in question is a girl named Lynn. Lynn has short auburn hair in a style that is intentionally messy. She wears a pair of narrow eyeglasses with thick black frames and has steel gray eyes. She's pale, and she doesn't entirely hide her freckles with her makeup. She also wears very red lipstick that doesn't even begin to hide her usual smirk. I would describe her look as that of an "artsy" type, with a hint of the sexy librarian.

Lynn exudes a calm confidence. I don't know if that's from directing shows, or if she's a director because of her natural demeanor. It wouldn't surprise me if some people found her smirk and the smooth tone of her voice a bit condescending. To me, it just seems like she's smiling at secrets the rest of us would really like to know.

So after work, Lizzie, Lynn, an associate producer named Andrea and I went for drinks. The bar had a live band that wasn't very good, so the place was a bit loud. Surprisingly, we were able to get a table to ourselves off to the side.

With three girls at the table, however, we were almost immediately set upon by guys. Most of them didn't even bother to try to figure out my connection to any of the women; I was completely an afterthought. Gee, it sure is great to know I present such a minor challenge to them.

One of the guys who approached was an off-duty firefighter. He was a total redneck dumbass. Even so, he impressed Andrea by raising his shirt and showing his abs. He quickly managed to separate her off from the rest of us to dance.

With Andrea thus occupied, Lynn and I listened to Lizzie bitch for a while about the news director and her job. Lynn listened very supportively without saying much. I found myself studying Lynn's features instead. She caught me looking at her a couple of times, but she just glanced back at Lizzie without really reacting. Finally Lizzie wound down and said, "Where's that waitress with my beer?"

Lynn turned her attention to me. "You should dance with me," she said. Unfortunately, I can't dance. I'm too self conscious on the dance floor to even do the silly beer-in-one-hand frat boy sway. Not to mention that she scared the shit out of me by dropping that so suddenly.

"Sorry, I don't dance," I said.

"Why not?" asked Lynn.

"Trick knees," I said. I heard Don Johnson say that once on Miami Vice. It sounded cool when he said it. But I'm not Don Johnson.

"Bummer," she said. "You just don't want to dance with me."

"That's not it," I said. "I just prefer conversation." I knew what a loser I sounded like even as the words left my mouth.

"Okay, let's converse." Then she stared into me expectantly with her unblinking, steel grey eyes. Boy, did I set myself up for that. She had me off-balance, and the smirk told me she knew it.

"Um," was the best I could do. She let the silence hang there awkwardly, just to watch me squirm. There was a charge in the air between us.

"You're gonna make me do all the work here?" she finally asked, and turned to Lizzie. I had forgotten Lizzie was even there, even though she was sitting right next to me. "SO! How do you like working Saturdays?" she asked.

"You're gonna let him off the hook that easy?" responded Lizzie. I realized immediately that not only had she recognized what was happening and was thoroughly enjoying the show, I will also have a hell of a time living it down. She will DEFINITELY give me a hard time about it tomorrow.

Luckily I was saved by Andrea and her dumbass redneck, who returned to our table. This guy liked being the center of attention, so he flexed his arms at the girls. My attention, however, was drawn to Lynn, and I was quite happy to notice her rolling her eyes at his display. She realized I caught her at it, and she winked at me out the side of her glasses.

Damn. Electric.

Unfortunately the volume in the bar wasn't really conducive to conversation anyway, and I still wasn't going to dance (trick knees, you know), so it didn't really get much further than that. Lizzie and I both have to work tomorrow, so we all called it a night pretty early (except for Andrea, who said she'd be fine getting a ride home from Muscles the firefighter). Lynn went her own way, and I dropped Lizzie off back at the station.

The funny thing is that I KNOW Lizzie has something to say about what happened, and yet neither of us brought it up on the way back. She would only talk about what a slut Andrea is and what a dumbass that firefighter was.

I'm kind of looking forward to work tomorrow.


At 8:00 AM, February 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you could walk it like you write, it would be on with the chicas. Get some huevos!

At 8:46 AM, February 12, 2006, Blogger Max said...

"If you could walk it like you write, it would be on with the chicas. Get some huevos!"

I wish it were that easy. I'm fine once I get to know a girl. It's the initial small talk that intimidates me. I just have no idea what to say. But once I get to know a girl, I'm in Friend Zone and find myself barred from the next level. It's a classic catch 22.

Your comment about my writing reminds me of an exchange from the movie Finding Forrester.

Jamal: "Women will sleep with you if you write a book?"

Forrester (Sean Connery): "Women will sleep with you even if you write a bad book!"

Perhaps I'll write a book and find out if that's true.

Now, back to work. Lizzie still hasn't said anything about last night, and I have found it awkward to ask. Hopefully I'll have more to write about tonight.

At 2:49 PM, February 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're changing names to protect the...well i hope you're chaning the names.

At 10:46 AM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

OK, now I know this entire blog is a fake. There's no way Mike could (1) get away with writing this shit for so long, and (2) be getting attention from so many women at one time.

At 11:19 AM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Max said...

There's no way Mike could (1) get away with writing this shit for so long, and (2) be getting attention from so many women at one time.

I'm getting away with writing it because almost nobody here knows about it, and I haven't really said anything bad enough to get me fired anyway.

As for "so many women," what the hell are you talking about? If you count Kat's "attention" (which I don't), that's two women in six months that I haven't even dated. Maybe it's a big surprise when a woman speaks to you, but I don't consider two remote possibilities of romance in six months to be that great, especially considering the lopsided ratio of women to men in my current job. On the contrary, knowing that nothing will likely ever come of either situation even with the odds in my favor makes me feel like a loser.

At 12:43 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Invervegas said...

I bet four weeks or under.

At 3:27 PM, February 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take your bet intervegas and up it... >2 Weeks


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