Monday, October 17, 2005

Phone Conversation

I got an interesting phone call from my new ND today.


"Hi, can I speak to Max?"

"This is Max."

"Hey, Max, this is [News Director]. Um... We were just wondering when we might expect to see you today."

Silence. Confusion. Did I just screw up? No, I'm pretty sure we settled all this.

"Um, I thought we decided that I would start November first," I said.

"That wasn't MY understanding," he responded. "I was under the impression we would see you this morning. Since I hadn't heard from you in the last few days, I thought we were all set."

"No, you originally asked me if I could start this week, but remember, I said I still had to give notice at my old job and get moved. I'm still 800 miles away."

"I don't remember that. The way we left it was that you'd be here at nine o'clock this morning. Nine o'clock came and went. I figured I oughta give you a call."

"I'm pretty sure we settled on November first. I mean, there's no way I could have started this week."

"Well, what are we gonna do about this?" he asked.

"Um. I'm not sure what you mean."

"I mean, when are you going to start? I need you here ASAP. I could give you a couple more days."

What the hell? What's going on here?

"A couple more days isn't going to work. I'm working my old job through Saturday. Then I have to pack up my stuff and move--"

"So you could start Monday?" he interrupted. All right, this is just bizarre.

"No, I can't be there until November first. I don't even have a place to live yet. I'm sorry; is that really that big a problem?"

Deep sigh from the ND. Then, in an irritated tone, "Huh. I guess it can't be helped. Give us a call next week when you get to town."

"Okay, I'll--"

"Sorry, I'm busy," he interrupted. "I'll talk to you next week." Then he hung up.

The attitude this time was completely different from every other time I've talked to this guy. I really don't understand what's going on. I mean, he knows I'm not there yet, because he called my house. You know, the house 800 miles away?

I'm going to just write this off as a misunderstanding and hope this is the end of it.


At 2:36 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your new nd sounds like a real tool , expect more of the same after you start - if you get the chance to!!

At 2:43 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd rethink going to this new job. Sounds like your going to screwed once you get there. If you do go there, sign a month by month lease until you get a handle on the way things are heading. Go ahead and start making a resume tape.

At 2:57 PM, October 17, 2005, Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Welcome to television! See what $13K a year gets you??

Seriously, this could be a very bad sign. Have you researched this station at all? Who owns it? Maybe ask around on some message boards.

At 5:41 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow..I've worked with a couple different ND's but this guy sounds nuts. Dyckerson's got the right idea..have you checked around about the station, and particularly *this* ND.
However, it is a foot in a door. And you don't have to stay there forever. A better station is more likely to hire you if you already have experience.

At 6:42 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I'd be apprehensive as hell packing up and moving 800 miles to a new job where the ND could be frickin' Dr. Jekyll depending on what day it is.

That is a big red flag.

At 9:22 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do I think this is either an MG or Sinclair station?

At 9:44 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yikes I work at a small MG station and they aren't THAT bad. Call your ND back during non-busy news hours (not 4-7) and make sure everything is clear. For right now it sounds like the ND is already thinking less of you. Things might be worse then they already appear

At 10:31 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
yikes I work at a small MG station and they aren't THAT bad. Call your ND back during non-busy news hours (not 4-7) and make sure everything is clear. For right now it sounds like the ND is already thinking less of you. Things might be worse then they already appear"

I agree with this completely. Be very very careful, as crazy it sounds, I've worked for news directors who wouldn't be above letting you move 800 miles and THEN telling you "It's not going to work out."

Just about everyone in television management is insane.

At 12:32 AM, October 18, 2005, Blogger RevRee said...

Iron hun, listen to dyck, he's right. You might want to do a little research of your own on the station and who owns the place.

The ND sounds like a jerk to me.

At 4:56 AM, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree you should call and have a heart-to-heart with the ND before you go. The air should be clear before you make the journey. Make sure he knows you are eager about coming, and you just want to make sure everything is starting on the right foot.

Your dad's response is normal. Yeah 13K sucks but it is what it is in smaller markets. I think your overall philosophy on this is spot on.

News management always takes a lot of hits and just like any other industry, there are good and bad managers in TV news. Your bookstore manager should have made it clear much earlier she saw you as 'management material' if she really felt that way.

Also, PLEASE be careful on a blog to not give out specifics that identify either yourself or your station. People get fired for that, so while it's a good opportunity for you to express yourself, just be cautious. Don't describe people in ways that makes it clear who they are, what region you're going to, etc. etc.

In one of your posts you referred to certain 'recreational' indulgences. Understand that many stations will test as a condition of employment. I've seen perfectly good people lose a job over that very issue.

If you're not already, use the message board on It's a good place to ask questions of fellow photojournalists and get feedback from people who are doing what you want to be doing.

And seriously, good luck. We all need that 'first shot' and I hope this is the right one for you.

At 6:02 AM, October 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd start looking around for another job. 800 miles for $13 K and a boss who is that forgetful? I'd re-think that one.


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